In the spirit of this ghoulish season and all things from the dark realms, this question comes from people of all walks of life who perceive things from many different perspectives and paradigms. “Joseph, do you think that you will go to hell for doing Mediumship? Because you know, the Bible says we shouldn’t be talking to the dead”. It’s a question that always hits a nerve for a brief second, like a scary Halloween mask or a chainsaw-wielding character who jumps from the shadows of a child’s haunted house. I feel suddenly attacked, startled, challenged, judged and yes, even a little frightened by my own long and extensive religious background and indoctrination. A twinge of guilt quickly jolts a fear of promised doom and for a second my insides still scream “am I going to Hell”? Then just as quickly, rational, cognizant thought steps in to illuminate the fallacies and the fears. I am in fact truly blessed to have been instilled with a few gifts that honor the holiness of life – both on this side and the other.The miracle of mediumship has afforded me the true gift of experiencing the immense love that exists in the afterlife. However, I believe the biggest gifts I have been given are the struggles, the tragedies and the painful losses in my own life which have jarred my own indoctrinated & frightened mind to open and reach for more and to ask the harder questions about life, death and concepts of God and humankind. “What an awesome gift I have been given” I explain to my questioners. “I too was much like you, fearful of words plucked from religious texts and applied literally and with surgical precision”. I have spent many years pouring over religious writings and teachings and have fully weighed their accuracy, their intent and their implications. In fact, all of the divine masters throughout antiquity among which Jesus, Mohammad and Buddha where but a few, acknowledged the reality of a Divine loving Intelligence or God if you prefer, comprised only of Love, encompassing and existing in all things. But I have found that the central message of the major religious texts have been twisted, overshadowed, even lost, in rigid, literal interpretation. Rather, they have become useful and very effective tools for controlling the masses and for imposing moral maps for governing societies. Used in this way they are not grounded in the truth of an all loving God. Nor do the science and Philosophy support the truth of such religious efforts. I have come to believe in a God of great Love. All powerful and all knowing for sure, but certainly NOT a cold-hearted, judging, warring God who takes only the souls of the righteous and casts the rest of us to the fires of a burning hell. The one universal truth is that whatever you call it, God, divine intelligence, source, universal subconscious mind or Soul, it is comprised singularly of Love - Only Love.And we are all part and parcel of that Love. It is from Love that we are born and it is there that we all return. Each of us is an individualized expression of one creative and loving intelligence participating in the grand evolution of the soul. We are created and born into this physical life with our talents, our faults and shortcomings and we are instilled with intellect and free will. We are cast among families and masses of troubled and sometimes delusionary souls with or without the scars of poverty, suburbia or the mansion on the hill. Hell and damnation may be the products of being born into a physical reality in which our egos are our faithful companions, much to our detriment at times, but only love exits in the afterlife. Some say that we are here to learn, others say, to live over and over again until we get it right. But really the answer is right in front of us – to align ourselves with a loving universe to the best of our means no matter how tattered we may be. To see one another as significant and intrinsically important to the whole. To release ourselves from the unnecessary self of delusion for the illumination of creation and the truth of love, of oneness and interdependency, of personal responsibility for one another and for all of creation. To respect, cherish and honor the energy of all existence. This cosmic truth is always as close as the next pure thought of compassion.The TRICK is to seek peace in your soul. The TREAT is infinite intelligence, serenity, contentment and knowledge of continued Love and Life. There is nothing to fear – you are never alone. Peace, Joe© 2020 Joseph P. Shiel III Categories
AuthorJoseph Shiel is a highly acclaimed Evidential Medium, Spirit Artist, Psychic and award-winning teacher. Internationally known for his accuracy, integrity and commitment to others, he has devoted his life to service of Spirit and those seeking love, healing and growth. He shares his remarkable talents with students, clients and audiences around the world; teaching, speaking, healing and performing private and public demonstrations of evidential mediumship and Spirit Art deemed by many as 'Portraits from Heaven.' His exceptionally rare gifts make him one of the most sought after mediums, consulting for politicians, CEO's, celebrities and all those seeking healing and insight.
March 2021
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