As we try to see our way clearly in 2020 we may spend a great deal of time and energy divesting ourselves of those things that no longer serve our highest and best as we create new personal goals for the future. Sometimes though, we seem to have little or no control over events that befall us and through no choice of our own we lose people and things that we thought were our foundation, security or destiny in life. The pain and confusion that accompanies our loss can elevate our fears and rock our faith to its core rattling our hopes and our confidence in accomplishing our dreams and resolutions. Our biggest and most painful losses can become our greatest gainsI have witnessed this in the lives of those I love and have experienced it many times myself throughout my own eclectic life. For anyone seeking a happier and more fulfilled life I will share two stories that I hope will help light the way to a clearer vision for the new year. Lessons from Robin
Thoughts are things Through all her suffering, Robin believed to her core that our thoughts are things. That disciplining our minds to follow what God wants of us, not what we most desire for ourselves, will bring serenity, peace, well-being and God's grace of beauty even in the most tragic moments of our lives. This second story I will share in hopes that it may reveal reasons why we should never give up on life. Never give up on God's love. Don't quit before the miracle. It's probably happening as we speakMany years ago, my overly-trusting and egotistical nature allowed me to fall victim to a group of men who conned me out of a fortune. I lost a large developing company and was left with nothing. I never saw it coming. The castle of money and property came tumbling down literally overnight, devastating my family, my friends and my employees. I was left anguished and reeling from the experience. Although some of the perpetrators were subsequently prosecuted it quickly became apparent that the fortune was gone and would likely not ever be recovered or returned. I did not snap back from this blow. I crawled in shame for years trying to recapture the glory days of sitting on top of the golden mountain. The pain continued. The hurts repeated, and the roads were very unclear. Wrenching in confusion and self-doubt, New Year after New Year rolled by and so did loss and failure. The message in the midst of pain
During a particularly dark time, desperate for clarity and direction, I decided finally to relinquish control and handed the reigns over to let God lead this horse to where he needed me to go. It was then that I began to see a clearer vision for the path forward. ,This man you find before you today rose from the ashes of this world's madness into the humility of spirit’s sunlight. And now I can truly say I am richer and wealthier in love than I would ever have known if I had continued to pursue the accumulation of worldly stuff to fill a belly of pain. In this new year I encourage you to identify the unnecessary self - that which does not serve your Joy. Follow what the highest love would want for your highest self and live in a way that carries the light of love’s truth to others. Release the pain of the past and embrace the true presence of God. Peace, Joe© 2020 Joseph P. Shiel III Categories
AuthorJoseph Shiel is a highly acclaimed Evidential Medium, Spirit Artist, Psychic and award-winning teacher. Internationally known for his accuracy, integrity and commitment to others, he has devoted his life to service of Spirit and those seeking love, healing and growth. He shares his remarkable talents with students, clients and audiences around the world; teaching, speaking, healing and performing private and public demonstrations of evidential mediumship and Spirit Art deemed by many as 'Portraits from Heaven.' His exceptionally rare gifts make him one of the most sought after mediums, consulting for politicians, CEO's, celebrities and all those seeking healing and insight.
March 2021
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