We may never advance or achieve our highest and best use of our God-given abilities unless we continue to learn, continue to be challenged and are stretched in those talents to more deeply understand the various and integral ways in which to approach the work of mediumship.
With knowledge and experience spanning decades, Joe offers an integral base from which you can not only formulate and develop your talents, you will have your questions answered honestly and from a place of great personal experience and expertise.
From private to public work, each circle will allow participants to reach for a more fluid connection with sound, more refined information, and evidence that can truly enhance the overall spiritual experience for all.
Each circle will begin with a brief introductory explanation of the evening's task, followed by a challenging exercise designed to hone your skills and expand your reach so that you may come to own a true understanding of your potential.
You will get to work alongside other Intermediate and Advanced Mediums who are making a determined effort to improve and refine their abilities.
Are able to establish a link with Spirit and have some understanding of how to develop evidence AND...
1. PLEASE BE ON TIME: Please log on early or promptly at the time the start time. If you are late you may miss important information or exercise instructions
3. PLEASE STAY FOR THE DURATION OF THE CIRCLE: If it should become necessary for you to leave, please notify us using the Chat function BEFORE an exercise begins so that we can make necessary adjustments to breakout rooms with minimal disruption. We respectfully ask that you NOT leave the circle once an exercise is underway
4. ENABLE VIDEO: To maximize circle engagement and the overall experience for everyone in attendance, we ask that you please enable your video upon entering and for the duration of the circle.
5. CONDUCT: Please be attentive and respectful to your fellow students. NO Inappropriate or hurtful comments comments or behaviors. BE UPLIFTING, NOT DISCOURAGING.
6. ALCOHOL AND / OR DRUGS: Consumption before a circle is highly discouraged
Once you have submitted your payment, click on "Return to Merchant" on the PayPal payment Page to be directed to the Zoom Registration page. You will receive your Zoom link from '[email protected]' once you have completed your registration. Please check you Spam or Junk folders if you are not able to locate your Class link. To ensure delivery of your class link, please be sure that your email address is spelled correctly. |
The Journey Within Spiritualists’ National Union Church
Rev. Joseph P. Shiel III, Pastor
Forever Family Foundation
To further the understanding of Afterlife Science through research and education while providing support and healing for people in grief. Read more... |
See Joe's Appearance On
'Surviving Death' Episode 4
Arthur Findlay College
The world's foremost college for the advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences. Read More... |