Family Readings
Family Mediumship Sessions
Mediumship sessions can be arranged for immediate family members hoping to connect with departed loved-ones they each share in common.
- Family Readings are Limited to MEDIUMSHIP ONLY sessions and are offered with or without a Spirit Portrait. For more information about Spirit Portraits click here
- Prices vary depending on the number of Family members who wish to attend.
- A reading for up to 3 family members requires a 90 minute appointment.
Disclaimer: All sessions are for adults of 18 years or older. All information is offered for personal and entertainment purposes and is not intended at any time to replace the advice, counsel or recommendation of any medical, psychological, legal or financial expert or any other professional service. Mediumship and Psychic work is experimental in nature and the information imparted during a session is open to interpretation. Clients are advised that they have free will at all times to make their own choices and Joseph Shiel shall not be held responsible for the actions they may or may not take as a result of their session.
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